Punkt. started in 2008 in Switzerland, just a year after the first iPhone hit the market, debuting with a landline. In 2015, the MP01 mobile phone appeared, a phone only for calls and text messages. The press enjoyed the MP01, and it came right when the anti-Big Tech movement began and before the concept of information overload became mainstream.
MC01 Legend
The MC01 was created seven years ago, but did not reach the market.
The general reaction to the article on CrackBerry (Kevin Michaluk had access to the prototype in December 2022) confirms the findings of a quantitative research project carried out by Punkt. in 2020, where 69% of respondents said they would prefer to have a phone that prioritizes data security and privacy over technical features or specifications, the main reason being to protect themselves from company surveillance. Up to 50% said they would be willing to drop a large portion of apps for a suite of basic productivity apps (maps, calendars, and email) for a communication device that captures your attention less. In the storm of tweets following the article on CrackBerry for the MC01 Legend, people even expressed little concern about the price of such a device, and demands continue to come even today.
Why did the MC01 Legend never hit the market? It was too hard to do, too expensive to do and almost impossible to do without Google Android OS.
Punkt. decided to go with a much more classic recipe and meanwhile launched MC02: the best secure touchscreen phone, running the operating system called Apostrophy or AphyOS for short to prioritize the sovereignty and security of Swiss data. A mainstream phone through which he can finance his next projects, he can even revive the Legent MC01 prototype.
To write even more articles about yesterday’s technology or designed and unreleased phones you can help me with a ☕ COFFEE ☕
Source: Punkt.
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